
Grow as an artist and critical thinker as you refine and expand your skills and forge a path into the contemporary art world with the 美术硕士绘画 in the 泰勒艺术与建筑学院 在亿德体育. The two-year, 60-credit master's degree program is ranked among the top graduate programs by U.S. News & World Report, 并以严谨著称, 一流的教学, mentorship, 以及校友们的一致好评 杰出的教师 实践的艺术家和学者.  

The Painting MFA program supports the development of a personal vision rooted in the history of art and conversation about painting as it is practiced among other art-making forms and visual culture. The breadth and interdisciplinary nature of the program’s approach is reinforced by exposure to practicing faculty in the school’s other studio and academic disciplines and its visiting artist and lecture series, such as Critical Dialogues and the Jack Wolgin and Margo Margolis Visiting Artist programs, which bring leading minds to Tyler to interact with graduate students. Second-year MFA student work is featured in an annual catalog and solo exhibitions, and there are ample opportunities for all MFA students to show their work throughout the academic year. 

Students in the master's degree program have the unique opportunity to obtain in-depth, 一对一地接触不同的画家和思想家, 以及2:1的师生比例. At the program’s core is an extremely supportive community of artists and scholars working collaboratively in studios, classrooms and beyond to engage critically in the problems and needs of our contemporary cultural environment. MFA包含了许多不同的工作室实践方法, 作为R1研究机构的一部分, this master's degree program is dedicated to creative making as research, 推动艺术生产的规范和话语.  

Graduate students take advantage of the school’s location in Philadelphia, 一个充满活力的艺术中心和负担得起的家庭基地, 发展他们的创造性实践. Graduates join an alumni community that includes highly accomplished and influential artists and teachers. 


MFA students expand the conceptual and technical approaches to their work through studio and seminar classes and become actively involved in the broader art community by curating an ongoing series of exhibitions by established and emerging artists. Close associations with city and regional arts institutions and alternative spaces and with faculty at other schools keep graduate students connected to their peers and current approaches to their craft. 

Many opportunities are available to extend learning through exhibitions and intensive professional career options. The proximity to New York and Washington enhances the educational experience and MFA students have gone on to careers as studio artists, curators, teachers, gallerists, art handlers, 社区活动人士和艺术管理人员.  

图片来源:约瑟夫五世. Labolito

Program Format & Curriculum 

核心课程安排在两个工作日, graduate students have considerable flexibility and choice when selecting art history, 选修课和研讨课, 要么是泰勒的研究生课程,要么是整个大学. Courses in critique and critical discourse are foundational to the first year of study. 在教员的指导下, students also participate in directed studio research and an MFA thesis gallery exhibition in their final semester of study.  

Professional practice courses are offered in a range of fields such as arts management, 高等教育中的社区艺术与教学. A few of the classes students in the Painting MFA program can expect to take include the following. 

  • 艺术史研讨会  

  • 批判与批判话语1、2 

  • 导演工作室实践 

  • 毕业设计,绘画 

  • 美术硕士论文 



Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Master of Fine Arts offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

Tuition rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, and more. 这些学费适用于2023-2024学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,266.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,682.00 per credit

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.