
Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Community Engagement prepares students to make a difference in people’s lives by influencing the programs, 政策, 组织的实践. Students build the skills required to facilitate the cognitive, 个体的身体和社会发展, 尤其是在城市社区. 通过一年的实习和实习, 学生获得实践, hands-on experience while serving people in the local community.  

这种灵活的, interdisciplinary degree enables students to use a variety of interventions to effect community and individual change by covering topics such as

  • 沟通,
  • 课程与培训设计;
  • 人类的发展,
  • 项目评估和
  • 了解城市社区.


为了使学位适合学生的兴趣, majors also take courses in the program’s concentration areas. 学生可以在这四种集中选项中任选一种.

  • 应用行为分析

    将你的知识专长于应用行为分析. 应用 behavior analytic skills to address important problems in society across a variety of settings including behavioral health, 社区组织和教育机构. Become eligible to apply for Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst certification.

  • 社区教育

    在社区相关的教育环境中培养你的兴趣. Master the theories and techniques necessary to teach effectively outside the classroom. Learn to tailor instructional approaches to the unique circumstances of widely diverse communities. 为在社区和娱乐中心工作做好准备, 早教中心, 博物馆, 校外活动等等.

  • 人类服务

    Human services is a broadly defined field that seeks to improve the overall quality of life of individuals (with particular focus on children and vulnerable populations) through the prevention and remediation of problems. You’ll gain a theoretical and practical understanding of various psychological constructs at the individual and societal level. You’ll also lay the foundation for graduate study programs such as counseling psychology, 学校心理学和社会工作.

  • 非营利管理与社会企业家精神

    Gain an understanding of the nonprofit sector and for-profit organizations focused on cultural, 环境和社会变化. Form insight about the issues that leaders face in this growing field, and learn how to communicate in order to lead systemic change in communities and organizations. 研究财务管理的设计和结构, 非营利和社会企业组织, 收入, 战略和基于项目的管理.


A graduate degree deepens your expertise and fosters career advancement in human development-related fields such as organizational management, 社会工作, 城市教育等等. 的 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Community Engagement can serve as a pathway to all graduate programs in the 教育与人类发展学院. View the full list of 教育与人类发展学院’s graduate degree and graduate certificate programs.


对于特别专注的学生, 教育与人类发展学院 offers accelerated programs. Qualified students earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees in one five-year course of study instead of the usual six years.  Learn more about 教育与人类发展学院’s +1 accelerated programs.

Eligible Human Development and Community Engagement majors can follow an accelerated path toward an

学生俱乐部 & 组织

Participating in student groups provides peer support and future professional contacts. It also presents opportunities to give back to the community, either locally or globally. Explore the opportunities available through organizations such as

  • 改变自己, an organization that provides education and healthcare services to communities in North Philadelphia and overseas;
  • 黑钻工会, which works to celebrate and disseminate education about black culture at 亿德体育 and in Philadelphia’s wider urban community;
  • 教育与人文发展学院学生会, a group that provides students with leadership opportunities and a chance to effect change;   
  • 祖母的孩子, 一个以家庭作业为重点的K-5课外项目, 以及学术上的, 情感和社会支持;
  • 人类发展和社区参与俱乐部, 提供网络和服务的机会, 专业发展工作坊, 生涯探索, and social events for students within the Human Development and Community Engagement major;
  • 启动, a national early education organization that trains students to work with preschool children in low-income neighborhoods;
  • Kappa Delta Pi荣誉协会, which promotes academic excellence and a network for those who are committed to teaching;
  • 亿德体育的皮特·格林项目, an organization that supports prisoner education by training volunteers to provide weekly tutoring sessions to inmates in four correctional facilities in Philadelphia;
  • 亿德体育 - Students Teaching Underrepresented Developing Youth (TU-STUDY), a group that assists children and adults in the greater Philadelphia area with advising, tutoring and other kinds of support in overcoming learning challenges; and
  • 树屋的书, a literacy center near Temple’s Main Campus where students can engage in literacy service work.

搜索 for additional 教育与人类发展学院 and education-related student organizations.


有关此计划的更多信息, 教育与人类发展学院, 如何申请入学, 你的申请状态, 联系招生管理.

电话: 215-204-8011
电子邮件: educate@254336.com


