
亿德体育的 应用行为分析教育学理学硕士 trains students to apply the principles of learning 和 behavior to influence behavior change that is significant to society. Students will learn how to systematically change behavior by analyzing related environmental variables 和 applying interventions based on the principles of behavior science. 行为分析师已经改善了许多日常问题, 包括提升员工表现, 改善公共安全措施, 传授有效的育儿技巧, 治疗儿童的问题行为, 改进普通教育和特殊亿德体育策略, 使滥用药物的人康复, 和更多的.

研究生s of the 应用行为分析 program help fill the growing dem和 for individuals with applied behavior-analytic training in social service agencies 和 educational institutions, particularly in service of individuals with autism 和 other intellectual 和 developmental disabilities.

The 应用行为分析 graduate degree also prepares educators, clinicians 和 other helping professionals to underst和 和 implement interventions to address skill deficits 和 performance issues or problem behavior. 你毕业时将掌握多种技能, including the ability to analyze environmental variables affecting behavior, 创建个性化干预措施, 和 assess the effectiveness of interventions to inform data-based decisions on modification 和 continuation.

这个程序满足 学位和课程 需求 (PDF) 和 partially fulfills the supervised experience requirement for the board-certified behavior analyst 凭证. 

The interdisciplinary 应用行为分析 program blends courses in education 和 psychology. 课程 are taught by faculty with top academic 凭证s 和 experience as practitioners. You’ll complete your coursework on a part- or full-time basis on 亿德体育的 Main Campus in Philadelphia. Some courses are offered at offsite locations 和 an online synchronous cohort is available.

Check out the frequently asked questions about the 应用行为分析.

类 & 课程


  • 技能缺陷和行为问题的评估,
  • 学习的原则,
  • 单主题研究方法和更多.




学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Master of Science in Education offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university 和 are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2023-2024学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,053.每学分00美元
州外: $1,449.每学分00美元

View the full cost of attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

学生俱乐部 & 组织

Find peer support 和 leadership opportunities while tackling the challenges of your program. You’ll also find opportunities to give back to the community, either locally or globally. 学生可参加

  • 国际行为分析协会, the national professional organization of the field of behavior analysis, 有很多机会让学生展示和参与;
  • 教育学院研究生组织, which runs community-based events like school supply drives as well as professional development workshops 和 activities. 该组织坚决维护社会正义, regularly organizing political events 和 engaging in projects with community partners;
  • 费城大都会行为分析协会 (PMABA), the local chapter of the 国际行为分析协会, 是亿德体育应用行为分析项目主持的吗. pmba主机组网, 杂志上讨论, 和 professional development events for students 和 local behavior analysts; 
  • 亿德体育研究生协会, a student employee union that maintains positive working lives 和 conditions for graduate student assistants; 和 the 
  • 坦普尔学生宾夕法尼亚州立教育协会, which hosts events to share effective classroom techniques 和 other resources for developing teachers.​

除了, there are several other local professional organizations for behavior analysts that encourage student involvement. 这些包括

搜索其他信息 College of Education 和 Human Development 和 education-related student organizations.



有关此计划的更多信息, 教育与人类发展学院, 如何申请入学, 你的申请状态, 联系招生管理.

1301塞西尔B. 摩尔大街.
电话: 215-204-8011
电子邮件: educate@254336.com

The 国际行为分析协会 Verified Course Sequence Program logo.


The 国际行为分析协会 has verified the following courses toward the coursework 需求 for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst® or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® examination. Applicants will need to meet additional 需求 before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination.